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Search: authors:"Jianling Jin"

3 papers found.
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Discussion on research methods of bacterial resistant mutation mechanisms under selective culture—uncertainty analysis of data from the Luria-Delbrück fluctuation experiment

Whether bacterial drug-resistance is drug-induced or results from rapid propagation of random spontaneous mutations in the flora prior to exposure, remains a long-term key issue concerned and debated in both genetics and medicinal fields. In a pioneering study, Luria and Delbrück exposed E. coli to T1 phage, to investigate whether the number of resistant colonies followed the...

Occurrence of leu+ revertants under starvation cultures in Escherichia coli is growth-dependent

analyzer and the determination conditions (Additional File 1 and Additional File 2). Authors' Contributions Ph.D Jianling Jin carried out all the molecular genetics studies except the sequencing of leuB

Accurate assessment of antibiotic susceptibility and screening resistant strains of a bacterial population by linear gradient plate

The dynamics of a bacterial population exposed to the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antibiotic is an important issue in pharmacological research. Therefore, a novel antibiotic susceptibility test is urgently needed that can both precisely determine the MIC and accurately select antibiotic-resistant strains from clinical bacterial populations. For this purpose, we...