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Search: authors:"Jiha Lee"

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ECCC in the Year 2011: Atrocity Crime Litigation Review for the Year 2011

Melissa Hindman Victoria Jiha Lee Alice Lin CASE 0011 A. Conviction ¶1 ¶2 On July 26, 2010, Kiang Guek Eav (alias Duch) was found individually criminally responsible, pursuant to article 29 of the Law

Incidence of and Risk Factors for Colistin-Associated Nephrotoxicity in a Large Academic Health System

Background. Colistin, originally abandoned due to high rates of nephrotoxicity, has been recently reintroduced due to activity against carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative organisms. Recent literature, largely obtained from outside the United States, suggests a lower rate of nephrotoxicity than historically reported. Methods. A retrospective cohort of all patients who received...