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Search: authors:"John de Grosbois"

2 papers found.
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Auditory cues for somatosensory targets invoke visuomotor transformations: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence

Contributions Conceptualization: Gerome A. Manson, Luc Tremblay, Nicolas Lebar, Jean Blouin. Data curation: Gerome A. Manson. Formal analysis: Gerome A. Manson, Luc Tremblay, Nicolas Lebar, John de Grosbois ... , John de Grosbois, Jean Writing ? original draft: Gerome A. Manson, Luc Tremblay, Jean Blouin. Writing ? review & editing: Gerome A. Manson, Luc Tremblay, John de Grosbois, Laurence Mouchnino, Jean

Quantifying online visuomotor feedback utilization in the frequency domain

The utilization of sensory information during activities of daily living is ubiquitous both prior to and during movements (i.e., related to planning and online control, respectively). Because of the overlapping nature of online corrective processes, the quantification of feedback utilization has proven difficult. In the present study, we primarily sought to evaluate the utility...