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Adapting a nurse-led primary care initiative to cardiovascular disease control in Ghana: a qualitative study

A. Haykin, Jordan A. Francke & David J. HellerNavrongo Health Research Centre, Navrongo, GhanaAurelia Abapali, Elliasu Yakubu, Edith Dambayi, Raymond Aborigo, Denis Awuni, Engelbert A. Nonterah ... for Population Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, GhanaAyaga A. Bawah AuthorsLeah A. Haykin View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar Jordan A. Francke

Clinical Impact and Cost-effectiveness of Diagnosing HIV Infection During Early Infancy in South Africa: Test Timing and Frequency

Background. Diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection during early infancy (commonly known as “early infant HIV diagnosis” [EID]) followed by prompt initiation of antiretroviral therapy dramatically reduces mortality. EID testing is recommended at 6 weeks of age, but many infant infections are missed. Design/Methods. We simulated 4 EID testing strategies for HIV...

Point-of-Care CD4 Testing to Inform Selection of Antiretroviral Medications in South African Antenatal Clinics: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Background Many prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programs currently prioritize antiretroviral therapy (ART) for women with advanced HIV. Point-of-care (POC) CD4 assays may expedite the selection of three-drug ART instead of zidovudine, but are costlier than traditional laboratory assays. Methods We used validated models of HIV infection to simulate pregnant...