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Search: authors:"Jose Torres-Jimenez"

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Optimal shortening of uniform covering arrays

not been published nor simultaneously submitted elsewhere, and c) we have acknowledged all entities that have funded this work in any way. Formal analysis: Jose Torres-Jimenez, Nelson Rangel-Valdez. 41 ... / 44 Writing ± original draft: Jose Torres-Jimenez, Himer Avila-George, Oscar Carrizalez Turrubiates. Writing ± review & editing: Jose Torres-Jimenez, Nelson Rangel-Valdez, Himer Avila George

A business process clustering algorithm using incremental covering arrays to explore search space and balanced Bayesian information criterion to evaluate quality of solutions

. Data curation: Hugo Ordoñez. Formal analysis: Hugo Ordoñez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos Cobos. Funding acquisition: Jose Torres-Jimenez. Investigation: Hugo Ordoñez, Carlos Cobos. Methodology: Hugo ... Ordoñez, Carlos Cobos. Project administration: Carlos Cobos. Resources: Jose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos Cobos. Software: Hugo Ordoñez. Viedma, Gildardo Maldonado-Martinez. Validation: Hugo Ordoñez, Carlos