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Search: authors:"Junhao Wen"

24 papers found.
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Exudate Detection for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks

Research Article | Open Access Volume 2020 |Article ID 5801870 | Muhammad Mateen, Junhao Wen, Nasrullah Nasrullah, Song Sun, Shaukat Hayat, "Exudate

An Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Predicting Employee Turnover

Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China Correspondence should be addressed to Junhao Wen; nc.ude.uqc@newhj Received 13 October 2018; Revised 18 December 2018

An Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Predicting Employee Turnover

Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China Correspondence should be addressed to Junhao Wen; nc.ude.uqc@newhj Received 13 October 2018; Revised 18 December 2018

From Reputation Perspective: A Hybrid Matrix Factorization for QoS Prediction in Location-Aware Mobile Service Recommendation System

Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 2School of Data Science, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang 550003, China Correspondence should be addressed to Junhao Wen

From Reputation Perspective: A Hybrid Matrix Factorization for QoS Prediction in Location-Aware Mobile Service Recommendation System

Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 2School of Data Science, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang 550003, China Correspondence should be addressed to Junhao Wen

From Reputation Perspective: A Hybrid Matrix Factorization for QoS Prediction in Location-Aware Mobile Service Recommendation System

With the great development of mobile services, the Quality of Services (QoS) becomes an essential factor to meet end users’ personalized requirement on the nonfunctional performance of mobile services. However, most of the QoS values in real cases are unattainable because a service user would only invoke some specific mobile services. Therefore, how to predict the missing QoS...

Shilling attack detection for recommender systems based on credibility of group users and rating time series

. Funding acquisition: Wei Zhou. Investigation: Wei Zhou. Methodology: Wei Zhou. Software: Wei Zhou. Supervision: Junhao Wen. Validation: Wei Zhou, Tian Cheng. Writing ± original draft: Wei Zhou ... . Writing ± review & editing: Wei Zhou. Resources: Wei Zhou, Junhao Wen, Qiang Qu, Jun Zeng. 16 / 17 1. Burke R , Mobasher B , Bhaumik R , Williams C . Segment-based injection attacks against collaborative

Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a producer-scrounger model with age-structure

We derive a producer-scrounger model with age-structure in scrounger and looks into its dynamics. Using the methods of eigenvalue analysis and Lyapunov function, we find sufficient and necessary conditions for globally asymptotical stability of extinction equilibrium and scrounger-free equilibrium. A so-called basic reproduction ratio R 0 was established to determine whether the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

On the Optimal Dynamic Control Strategy of Disruptive Computer Virus

Disruptive computer viruses have inflicted huge economic losses. This paper addresses the development of a cost-effective dynamic control strategy of disruptive viruses. First, the development problem is modeled as an optimal control problem. Second, a criterion for the existence of an optimal control is given. Third, the optimality system is derived. Next, some examples of the...

Abnormal Profiles Detection Based on Time Series and Target Item Analysis for Recommender Systems

Collaborative filtering (CF) recommenders are vulnerable to shilling attacks designed to affect predictions because of financial reasons. Previous work related to robustness of recommender systems has focused on detecting profiles. Most approaches focus on profile classification but ignore the group attributes among shilling attack profiles. Attack profiles are injected in a...

Abnormal Profiles Detection Based on Time Series and Target Item Analysis for Recommender Systems

Collaborative filtering (CF) recommenders are vulnerable to shilling attacks designed to affect predictions because of financial reasons. Previous work related to robustness of recommender systems has focused on detecting profiles. Most approaches focus on profile classification but ignore the group attributes among shilling attack profiles. Attack profiles are injected in a...

Abnormal Profiles Detection Based on Time Series and Target Item Analysis for Recommender Systems

Collaborative filtering (CF) recommenders are vulnerable to shilling attacks designed to affect predictions because of financial reasons. Previous work related to robustness of recommender systems has focused on detecting profiles. Most approaches focus on profile classification but ignore the group attributes among shilling attack profiles. Attack profiles are injected in a...

Abnormal Profiles Detection Based on Time Series and Target Item Analysis for Recommender Systems

Collaborative filtering (CF) recommenders are vulnerable to shilling attacks designed to affect predictions because of financial reasons. Previous work related to robustness of recommender systems has focused on detecting profiles. Most approaches focus on profile classification but ignore the group attributes among shilling attack profiles. Attack profiles are injected in a...

Item Anomaly Detection Based on Dynamic Partition for Time Series in Recommender Systems

In recent years, recommender systems have become an effective method to process information overload. However, recommendation technology still suffers from many problems. One of the problems is shilling attacks-attackers inject spam user profiles to disturb the list of recommendation items. There are two characteristics of all types of shilling attacks: 1) Item abnormality: The...