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Search: authors:"K Easley"

4 papers found.
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Medicaid is associated with increased readmission and resource utilization after primary total knee arthroplasty: a propensity score-matched analysis.

Medicaid payer status has been shown to affect resource utilization across multiple medical specialties. There is no large database assessment of Medicaid and resource utilization in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA), which this study sets out to ...

Warfarin therapy in the HIV medical home model: low rates of therapeutic anticoagulation despite adherence and differences in dosing based on specific antiretrovirals.

To determine the indications for, rates of therapeutic anticoagulation during, and complications of warfarin therapy in HIV-infected individuals, in whom long-term anticoagulation is frequently indicated. To identify risk factors for nonoptimal anticoagulation ...

Class Actions—Washington Style: A Look at Washington Superior Court Rule 23

This Article focuses on class actions in the Washington State courts. It compares and contrasts the Washington experience with practice under the federal class action rule, and places particular emphasis on the differences between state and federal practice.

The involucrin genes of the mouse and the rat: study of their shared repeats.

The involucrin genes of the mouse (Mus musculus) and the rat (Rattus norvegicus) have been cloned and sequenced. The coding region of each gene contains, at site P, a segment of repeats homologous to that of other nonanthropoid mammals. In contrast to the repeats of species belonging to different mammalian orders, many individual repeats of the mouse and the rat can be matched...