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Search: authors:"Kariem Sharaf"

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Role of cancer stem cell markers ALDH1, BCL11B, BMI-1, and CD44 in the prognosis of advanced HNSCC

, LMU Munich , Munich , Germany 3 Mark Jakob , MD, PhD , USA 4 Department of Otolaryngology, University Medical Center Göttingen , Göttingen , Germany 5 Kariem Sharaf , MD, DMD , USA Purpose Cancer ... : Mark Jakob, Julia Kitz; study concepts and design: Mark Jakob, Kariem Sharaf, Markus Schirmer, Julia Kitz, Martin Canis; literature research: Kariem Sharaf, Mattis Bertlich, Friedrich Ihler; clinical

Betahistine Exerts a Dose-Dependent Effect on Cochlear Stria Vascularis Blood Flow in Guinea Pigs In Vivo

Objective Betahistine is a histamine H1-receptor agonist and H3-receptor antagonist that is administered to treat Menière’s disease. Despite widespread use, its pharmacological mode of action has not been entirely elucidated. This study investigated the effect of betahistine on guinea pigs at dosages corresponding to clinically used doses for cochlear microcirculation. Methods...