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Search: authors:"Karl Ritz"

8 papers found.
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Land-Use Changes Associated with Oil Palm Plantations Impact PLFA Microbial Phenotypic Community Structure throughout the Depth of Tropical Peats

Tropical peatlands are complex and globally-important ecosystems that are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic disturbances, primarily via agricultural development. Microbes in peatlands play important roles in governing overall ecosystem functions and sustenance, with specific population dynamics governing carbon sink or source dynamics. We determined phenotypic microbial...

Soil as an extended composite phenotype of the microbial metagenome

We use a unique set of terrestrial experiments to demonstrate how soil management practises result in emergence of distinct associations between physical structure and biological functions. These associations have a significant effect on the flux, resilience and efficiency of nutrient delivery to plants (including water). Physical structure, determining the air–water balance in...

Cover crop species have contrasting influence upon soil structural genesis and microbial community phenotype

Cover crops (plants grown in an agricultural rotation between cash crops) can significantly improve soil quality via sequestering carbon, retaining nutrients, decreasing soil erosion, and maintaining belowground biodiversity. However, little is known about the effects of such plants upon soil structure. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of four species typically used...

Plant: soil interactions in temperate multi-cropping production systems

Jrgen Ehrmann Karl Ritz Responsible Editor: Philippe Hinsinger. 0 ) Environmental Science and Technology Department, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University , Cranfield, MK43 0AL, UK

Developmental morphology of cover crop species exhibit contrasting behaviour to changes in soil bulk density, revealed by X-ray computed tomography

suggestions for improvement to the manuscript. Author Contributions Data curation: Karl Ritz. Conceptualization: Jasmine E. Burr-Hersey, Sacha J. Mooney, A. Glyn Bengough, Karl Ritz. Formal analysis: Jasmine ... E. Burr-Hersey, Sacha J. Mooney, Karl Ritz. Funding acquisition: Karl Ritz. Investigation: Jasmine E. Burr-Hersey. Methodology: Jasmine E. Burr-Hersey, Sacha J. Mooney, A. Glyn Bengough, Karl Ritz

Microbial diversity affects self-organization of the soil–microbe system with consequences for function

John W. Crawford ) Lewis Deacon Dmitri Grinev James A. Harris Karl Ritz Brajesh K. Singh Iain Young 0 m-VIS Centre, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, University of Southampton, University Road