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Search: authors:"Katarzyna Hubkowska"

2 papers found.
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Effect of Temperature, Electrode Potential, and Bulk Composition on Hydrogen Electrosorption into Palladium-Ruthenium Alloys—Comparative Study with Other Binary Systems

2 Katarzyna Hubkowska The influence of temperature between 283 K and 328 K on hydrogen electrosorption into Pd-Ru alloys in the bulk composition range 87-100% at. Pd was studied voltammetrically and

Influence of rhodium additive on hydrogen electrosorption in palladium-rich Pd–Rh alloys

Urszula Koss Mariusz ukaszewski Katarzyna Hubkowska Andrzej Czerwiski 0 ) Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw , Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland Hydrogen electrosorption into Pd-rich (>80 at