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Search: authors:"Kelvyn Jones"

23 papers found.
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Ageing and cohort trajectories in mental ill-health: An exploration using multilevel models

Jones, David Manley. Data curation: Lucy Prior. Formal analysis: Lucy Prior. Investigation: Lucy Prior. Methodology: Lucy Prior, Kelvyn Jones, David Manley. Writing – original draft: Lucy Prior ... . Writing – review & editing: Lucy Prior, Kelvyn Jones, David Manley. 12 / 14 22. World Health Organisation, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Social determinants of mental health. Geneva: World Health

Fixed and random effects models: making an informed choice

This paper assesses the options available to researchers analysing multilevel (including longitudinal) data, with the aim of supporting good methodological decision-making. Given the confusion in the literature about the key properties of fixed and random effects (FE and RE) models, we present these models’ capabilities and limitations. We also discuss the within-between RE model...

The hierarchical age–period–cohort model: Why does it find the results that it finds?

It is claimed the hierarchical-age–period–cohort (HAPC) model solves the age–period–cohort (APC) identification problem. However, this is debateable; simulations show situations where the model produces incorrect results, countered by proponents of the model arguing those simulations are not relevant to real-life scenarios. This paper moves beyond questioning whether the HAPC...

Confounding and collinearity in regression analysis: a cautionary tale and an alternative procedure, illustrated by studies of British voting behaviour

Many ecological- and individual-level analyses of voting behaviour use multiple regressions with a considerable number of independent variables but few discussions of their results pay any attention to the potential impact of inter-relationships among those independent variables—do they confound the regression parameters and hence their interpretation? Three empirical examples...

Understanding and misunderstanding group mean centering: a commentary on Kelley et al.’s dangerous practice

Kelley et al. argue that group-mean-centering covariates in multilevel models is dangerous, since—they claim—it generates results that are biased and misleading. We argue instead that what is dangerous is Kelley et al.’s unjustified assault on a simple statistical procedure that is enormously helpful, if not vital, in analyses of multilevel data. Kelley et al.’s arguments appear...

Social trust, interpersonal trust and self-rated health in China: a multi-level study

Jones 0 School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University , 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310058 , China Background: Trust is important for health at both the individual and societal level

Social trust, interpersonal trust and self-rated health in China: a multi-level study

Trust is important for health at both the individual and societal level. Previous research using Western concepts of trust has shown that a high level of trust in society can positively affect individuals’ health; however, it has been found that the concepts and culture of trust in China are different from those in Western countries and research on the relationship between trust...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...

The role of the neighborhood, family and peers regarding Colombian adolescents

Objective Examining neighborhood conditions, parenting and peer affiliations' association with adolescents' aggressive behavior. Testing various mechanisms through which neighborhood conditions influence two adolescent outcomes, both directly and indirectly (via their impact on parenting and peer-affiliation): aggression and delinquency. Method Data regarding adolescents was...