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Search: authors:"Keyan Fang"

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Climate-Driven Synchronized Growth of Alpine Trees in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau

Knowledge about the spatiotemporal tree growth variability and its associations with climate provides key insights into forest dynamics under future scenarios of climate change. We synthesized 17 tree-ring width chronologies from four tree species at the high-elevation sites in the southeast Tibetan Plateau (SETP) to study the regional tree growth variability and climate-growth...

An increase in the biogenic aerosol concentration as a contributing factor to the recent wetting trend in Tibetan Plateau

Keyan Fang in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Risto Makkonen in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Zhengtang Guo in:Nature Research journals • PubMed ... competing financial interests. Corresponding author Correspondence to Keyan Fang. Supplementary information Word documents1.Supplementary Information Rights and permissions This work is licensed

An Ensemble Weighting Approach for Dendroclimatology: Drought Reconstructions for the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau

Traditional detrending methods assign equal mean value to all tree-ring series for chronology developments, despite that the mean annual growth changes in different time periods. We find that the strength of a tree-ring model can be improved by giving more weights to tree-ring series that have a stronger climate signal and less weight to series that have a weaker signal. We thus...

Climate, intrinsic water-use efficiency and tree growth over the past 150 years in humid subtropical China

Influence of long-term changes in climate and CO2 concentration on intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE), defined as the ratio between net photosynthesis (A) and leaf conductance (g), and tree growth remain not fully revealed in humid subtropical China, which is distinct from other arid subtropical areas with dense coverage of broadleaf forests. This study presented the first...

Hydroclimate Variations in Central and Monsoonal Asia over the Past 700 Years

Hydroclimate variations since 1300 in central and monsoonal Asia and their interplay on interannual and interdecadal timescales are investigated using the tree-ring based Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) reconstructions. Both the interannual and interdecadal variations in both regions are closely to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). On interannual timescale, the most...