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Search: authors:"Kinta Beaver"

3 papers found.
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The patient needs assessment in cancer care: identifying barriers and facilitators to implementation in the UK and Canada

Kinta Beaver 0 0 College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba , Winnipeg , Canada 1 Susan Williamson Purpose Personalised information and support can be provided to cancer

Navigating cancer using online communities: a grounded theory of survivor and family experiences

Purpose People affected by cancer often have unmet emotional and social support needs. Online cancer communities are a convenient channel for connecting cancer survivors, allowing them to support one another. However, it is unclear whether online community use makes a meaningful contribution to cancer survivorship, as little previous research has examined the experience of using...

Cost-Consequence Analysis Alongside a Randomised Controlled Trial of Hospital Versus Telephone Follow-Up after Treatment for Endometrial Cancer

obtained but the presented data are anonymised and risk of identification is low. Requests should be made to Professor Kinta Beaver. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative