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Search: authors:"Kristel Kegler"

6 papers found.
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Spatial distribution of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) in normal canine central and peripheral nervous system

: Jessica Freundt-Revilla, Andrea Tipold. Formal analysis: Jessica Freundt-Revilla, Kristel Kegler. Investigation: Jessica Freundt-Revilla, Kristel Kegler. Project administration: Andrea Tipold. Resources ... : Wolfgang BaumgaÈrtner, Andrea Tipold. Supervision: Wolfgang BaumgaÈrtner, Andrea Tipold. Visualization: Jessica Freundt-Revilla, Kristel Kegler. Writing ± original draft: Jessica Freundt-Revilla. Writing

Amplicon sequencing of bacterial microbiota in abortion material from cattle

Abortions in cattle have a significant economic impact on animal husbandry and require prompt diagnosis for surveillance of epizootic infectious agents. Since most abortions are not epizootic but sporadic with often undetected etiologies, this study examined the bacterial community present in the placenta (PL, n = 32) and fetal abomasal content (AC, n = 49) in 64 cases of bovine...

Neglected zoonotic agents in cattle abortion: tackling the difficult to grow bacteria

Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus and Leptospira spp. are difficult to grow bacteria that play a role in bovine abortion, but their diagnosis is hampered by their obligate intracellular lifestyle (C. burnetii, C. abortus) or their lability (Leptospira spp.). Their importance is based on the contagious spread in food-producing animals, but also as zoonotic agents. In...

Contribution of Schwann Cells to Remyelination in a Naturally Occurring Canine Model of CNS Neuroinflammation

inflammatory/ demyelinating CNS diseases. The authors would like to thank Mrs. B. Buck, Mrs. C. Schütz and Mrs. P. Grünig for excellent technical assistance. Kristel Kegler received financial support from

Morphologic, phenotypic, and transcriptomic characterization of classically and alternatively activated canine blood-derived macrophages in vitro

, Ulrich Deschl. Supervision: Wolfgang BaumgaÈrtner, Reiner Ulrich, Ingo Spitzbarth. 28 / 33 Visualization: Franziska Heinrich, Annika Lehmbecker, Barbara B. Raddatz, Kristel Kegler, Ingo Spitzbarth ... . Writing ± original draft: Franziska Heinrich, Annika Lehmbecker, Barbara B. Raddatz, Kristel Kegler. Writing ± review & editing: Franziska Heinrich, Annika Lehmbecker, Barbara B. Raddatz, Kristel Kegler

New Aspects of the Pathogenesis of Canine Distemper Leukoencephalitis

Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a member of the genus morbillivirus, which is known to cause a variety of disorders in dogs including demyelinating leukoencephalitis (CDV-DL). In recent years, substantial progress in understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of CDV-DL has been made. In vivo and in vitro investigations provided new insights into its pathogenesis with special...