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Search: authors:"Lee W. Cooper"

9 papers found.
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A comprehensive satellite-based assessment across the Pacific Arctic Distributed Biological Observatory shows widespread late-season sea surface warming and sea ice declines with significant influences on primary productivity

, Josefino C. Comiso. Investigation: Karen E. Frey, Josefino C. Comiso, Larry V. Stock, Luisa N. C. Young, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Methodology: Karen E. Frey, Josefino C. Comiso, Larry V ... . Stock, Luisa N. C. Young, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. 27 / 31 19. Arrigo KR, Perovich DK, Pickart RS, Brown ZW, Van Dijken GL, Lowry KE, et al. Massive phytoplankton blooms under Arctic sea

Changes in the oxygen isotope composition of the Bering Sea contribution to the Arctic Ocean are an independent measure of increasing freshwater fluxes through the Bering Strait

versions of the manuscript. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Lee W. Cooper. Data curation: Lee W. Cooper, Ce´dric Magen, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Formal analysis: Lee W. Cooper, Ce´dric Magen ... . Funding acquisition: Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Investigation: Lee W. Cooper, Ce´dric Magen. Methodology: Lee W. Cooper, Ce´dric Magen. Resources: Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. 15 / 17

Phytoplankton bloom stages estimated from chlorophyll pigment proportions suggest delayed summer production in low sea ice years in the northern Bering Sea

. Gaffey. Grebmeier. Funding acquisition: Clare B. Gaffey, Karen E. Frey, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Investigation: Clare B. Gaffey, Karen E. Frey, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Methodology ... : Clare B. Gaffey, Karen E. Frey. Resources: Karen E. Frey, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Software: Clare B. Gaffey. Supervision: Karen E. Frey. Validation: Clare B. Gaffey. Visualization

Biogeography and ecology of Ostracoda in the U.S. northern Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas

imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Data curation: Laura Gemery, Lee W. Cooper. Formal analysis: Laura Gemery, Harry J. Dowsett. Funding acquisition: Laura Gemery, Thomas M. Cronin, Lee W. Cooper ... , Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Investigation: Laura Gemery, Lee W. Cooper, Harry J. Dowsett, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Methodology: Laura Gemery. Project administration: Thomas M. Cronin. Supervision: Thomas M

Female Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) show greater partitioning of sea ice organic carbon than males: Evidence from ice algae trophic markers

: Chelsea W. Koch, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier. Investigation: Chelsea W. Koch, Lee W. Cooper, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, Karen E. Frey. Methodology: Chelsea W. Koch, Lee W. Cooper, Thomas A. Brown ... . Project administration: Chelsea W. Koch. Resources: Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, Raphaela Stimmelmayr. Supervision: Lee W. Cooper. Visualization: Chelsea W. Koch, Karen E. Frey. Writing – original draft

Sipunculan fauna in the Pacific Arctic region: a significant component of benthic infaunal communities

The Sipuncula show low species diversity in the Arctic Ocean, but they often occur in very high numbers and biomass, and can dominate shelf benthic communities. We describe here the patterns of sipunculan diversity, abundance, biomass, and species distribution in the Pacific Arctic, and the relation of those patterns to controlling environmental factors. Five species (including...

Food Web Structure of the Alaskan Nearshore Shelf and Estuarine Lagoons of the Beaufort Sea

The eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea coast is characterized by numerous shallow (2–5 m) estuarine lagoons, fed by streams and small rivers that drain northward from the Brooks Range through the arctic coastal plain, and bounded seaward by barrier islands and shoals. Millions of birds from six continents nest and forage during the summer period in this region using the river deltas...

Pacific Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) Resource Selection in the Northern Bering Sea

The Pacific walrus is a large benthivore with an annual range extending across the continental shelves of the Bering and Chukchi Seas. We used a discrete choice model to estimate site selection by adult radio-tagged walruses relative to the availability of the caloric biomass of benthic infauna and sea ice concentration in a prominent walrus wintering area in the northern Bering...