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Search: authors:"Leonardo Giusti"

7 papers found.
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Topological susceptibility at \(T>T_{\mathrm{c}}\) from master-field simulations of the SU(3) gauge theory

The topological susceptibility is computed in the \(\mathrm{SU(3)}\) gauge theory at temperatures T above the critical temperature \(T_{\mathrm{c}}\) using master-field simulations of very large lattices, where the infamous topology-freezing issue is effectively bypassed. Up to \(T=2.0\,T_{\mathrm{c}}\) no unusually large lattice effects are observed and the results obtained in...

Frequency-splitting estimators of single-propagator traces

Single-propagator traces are the most elementary fermion Wick contractions which occur in numerical lattice QCD, and are usually computed by introducing random-noise estimators to profit from volume averaging. The additional contribution to the variance induced by the random noise is typically orders of magnitude larger than the one due to the gauge field. We propose a new family...

Multi-boson block factorization of fermions

The numerical computations of many quantities of theoretical and phenomenological interest are plagued by statistical errors which increase exponentially with the distance of the sources in the relevant correlators. Notable examples are baryon masses and matrix elements, the hadronic vacuum polarization and the light-by-light scattering contributions to the muon g – 2, and the...

Local multiboson factorization of the quark determinant

We discuss the recently proposed multiboson domain-decomposed factorization of the gauge-field dependence of the fermion determinant in lattice QCD. In particular, we focus on the case of a lattice divided in an arbitrary number of thick time slices. As a consequence, multiple space-time regions can be updated independently. This allows to address the exponential degradation of...

QCD in a moving frame: an exploratory study

The framework of shifted boundary conditions has proven to be a very powerful tool for the non-perturbative investigation of thermal quantum field theories. For instance, it has been successfully considered for the determination of the equation of state of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory with high accuracy. The set-up can be generalized to QCD and it is expected to lead to a similar...

A novel approach for computing glueball masses and matrix elements in Yang-Mills theories on the lattice

We make use of the global symmetries of the Yang-Mills theory on the lattice to design a new computational strategy for extracting glueball masses and matrix elements which achieves an exponential reduction of the statistical error with respect to standard techniques. By generalizing our previous work on the parity symmetry, the partition function of the theory is decomposed into...