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Search: authors:"Liangkun Long"

5 papers found.
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Characterization of a d-lyxose isomerase from Bacillus velezensis and its application for the production of d-mannose and l-ribose

d-Mannose and l-ribose are two important monosaccharides, which have attracted public attention recently because of their great application potentials in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Sugar isomerases catalyze the sugar isomerization and therefore can be used as the biocatalysts for production of the high-value sugars from inexpensive sugars. l-arabinose isomerase...

Characterization and functional analysis of two novel thermotolerant α-l-arabinofuranosidases belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 51 from Thielavia terrestris and family 62 from Eupenicillium parvum

. Liangkun Long and Lu Sun contributed equally to this work. Institute for Microbial and Biochemical Technology, Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, WI 53726

Altering the linker in processive GH5 endoglucanase 1 modulates lignin binding and catalytic properties

The non-productive adsorption of cellulases onto lignin in biomass is a key issue for the biofuel process economy. It would be helpful to reduce the inhibitory effect of lignin on enzymatic hydrolysis by engineering weak lignin-binding cellulases. Cellulase linkers are highly divergent in their lengths, compositions, and glycosylations. Numerous studies have revealed that linkers...

Population and function analysis of cultivable bacteria associated with spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita

; Cultivable bacteria; Stimulation of spore germination; Plant growth promotion - & Liangkun Long Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important symbiotic partner of most terrestrial plant species. Soil

Engineering the Expression and Characterization of Two Novel Laccase Isoenzymes from Coprinus comatus in Pichia pastoris by Fusing an Additional Ten Amino Acids Tag at N-Terminus

The detail understanding of physiological/biochemical characteristics of individual laccase isoenzymes in fungi is necessary for fundamental and application purposes, but our knowledge is still limited for most of fungi due to difficult to express laccases heterologously. In this study, two novel laccase genes, named lac3 and lac4, encoding proteins of 547 and 532-amino acids...