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Search: authors:"Liu-Qing Yang"

5 papers found.
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Co-administration of Shexiang Baoxin Pill and Chemotherapy Drugs Potentiated Cancer Therapy by Vascular-Promoting Strategy

Effective delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to tumors is a critical objective of improved cancer therapy. Traditional antiangiogenic therapy aims at eradicating tumor blood vessels, but the subsequently reduced blood perfusion may limit the drug amount delivered into the tumor and potentially lead to tumor hypoxia, which has been proved to be unable to meet the therapeutic...

WISP2 promotes cell proliferation via targeting ERK and YAP in ovarian cancer cells

Chen are co-first authors Affiliations School of Medicine, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, 314001, China Zi-Qing Shi, Zi-Yan Chen, Yao Han, Heng-Yan Zhu, Meng-Dan Lyu, Han Zhang, Yi Zhang, Liu-Qing Yang ... PubMed Google Scholar Yi Zhang View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar Liu-Qing Yang View author publications You can also search for this author in

Effects of a Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice

Objectives Inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of acute lung injury (ALI). Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) is suggested as a vital pharmacologic target for inflammation. In this study, we determined whether a sEH inhibitor, AUDA, exerts lung protection in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ALI in mice. Methods Male BALB/c mice were randomized to receive AUDA or...

The Systematic Classification of Gallbladder Stones

Background To develop a method for systematic classification of gallbladder stones, analyze the clinical characteristics of each type of stone and provide a theoretical basis for the study of the formation mechanism of different types of gallbladder stones. Methodology A total of 807 consecutive patients with gallbladder stones were enrolled and their gallstones were studied. The...

Survey and analysis of the nutritional status in hospitalized patients with malignant gastric tumors and its influence on the quality of life

Background/objectivesThe assessment of nutritional status and the quality of life in patients with gastric cancer has become one of the important goals of current clinical treatment. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status in hospitalized gastric cancer patients by using patient-generated subjective global assessment (PG-SGA) and to analyze the influence of...