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Search: authors:"Livia de Hoz"

4 papers found.
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Wide sensory filters underlie performance in memory-based discrimination and generalization

, as well as Harry Scherer and Rolf Merker, for technical support. Conceptualization: Chi Chen, Livia de Hoz. Data curation: Chi Chen, Livia de Hoz. Formal analysis: Chi Chen, Livia de Hoz ... . Investigation: Chi Chen, Livia de Hoz. Methodology: Chi Chen, Dilja Krueger-Burg, Livia de Hoz. Project administration: Livia de Hoz. Supervision: Livia de Hoz. Validation: Chi Chen, Dilja Krueger-Burg, Livia

Frequency Tuning in the Behaving Mouse: Different Bandwidths for Discrimination and Generalization

When faced with sensory stimuli, an organism may be required to detect very small differences in a physical parameter (discrimination), while in other situations it may have to generalize over many possible values of the same physical parameter. This decision may be based both on learned information and on sensory aspects of perception. In the present study we describe frequency...

IgSF9b regulates anxiety behaviors through effects on centromedial amygdala inhibitory synapses

Abnormalities in synaptic inhibition play a critical role in psychiatric disorders, and accordingly, it is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms linking components of the inhibitory postsynapse to psychiatrically relevant neural circuits and behaviors. Here we study the role of IgSF9b, an adhesion protein that has been associated with affective disorders, in the...

Forgetting, Reminding, and Remembering: The Retrieval of Lost Spatial Memory

Retrograde amnesia can occur after brain damage because this disrupts sites of storage, interrupts memory consolidation, or interferes with memory retrieval. While the retrieval failure account has been considered in several animal studies, recent work has focused mainly on memory consolidation, and the neural mechanisms responsible for reactivating memory from stored traces...