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Search: authors:"Lorenzo Rocco"

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Mortality, morbidity and economic growth

Conceptualization: Lorenzo Rocco, Marc Suhrcke. Data curation: Andrew J. Mirelman. Formal analysis: Lorenzo Rocco, Elena Fumagalli. Methodology: Lorenzo Rocco, Elena Fumagalli. Supervision: Lorenzo Rocco ... . Writing – original draft: Lorenzo Rocco, Elena Fumagalli, Andrew J. Mirelman, Marc Suhrcke. 21 / 22 Lorentzen P. , McMillan J. , Wacziarg R. ( 2008 ) Death and development , Journal of Economic Growth

The effects of vocational education on adult skills, employment and wages: What can we learn from PIAAC?

We have shown that vocational education does not perform as well as academic education both in labour market outcomes and in the level of basic skills, including literacy and numeracy. This is especially true for higher education. Only at the upper secondary or post-secondary level does vocational education perform slightly better than academic education in the probability of...