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Search: authors:"M. Hasan Mohajeri"

7 papers found.
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Probiotics and the Gut Immune System: Indirect Regulation

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) represents the largest interface between the human organism and the external environment. In the lumen and upper part of the mucus layer, this organ hosts an enormous number of microorganisms whose composition affects the functions of the epithelial barrier and the gut immune system. Consequentially, the microorganisms in the GIT influence the...

Docosahexaenoic Acid and Cognition throughout the Lifespan

. Weiser and M. Hasan Mohajeri wrote the manuscript. Christopher M. Butt provided content and reviewed the manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: Michael J. Weiser, Christopher M. Butt and M. Hasan Mohajeri are

Effects of Vitamin E on Cognitive Performance during Ageing and in Alzheimer’s Disease

the manuscript. Conflict of interest P. Weber and M. Hasan Mohajeri are employed by DSM. There was no conflict of interest in regard to the content discussed in this article. 1. Mariani , E

The role of the microbiome for human health: from basic science to clinical applications

Products Ltd , Kaiseraugst , Switzerland 5 M. Hasan Mohajeri 6 O?rebro University, School of Medical Sciences , O?rebro , Sweden 7 University of Zurich , Irchel, Zurich , Switzerland The 2017 annual

Glucocorticoid-related genetic susceptibility for Alzheimer's disease

Because glucocorticoid excess increases neuronal vulnerability, genetic variations in the glucocorticoid system may be related to the risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). We analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 10 glucocorticoid-related genes in a population of 814 AD patients and unrelated control subjects. Set-association analysis revealed that a rare haplotype in the 5...