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Search: authors:"M. Taghi Sadeghi"

2 papers found.
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Compositional Description of Three-Phase Flow Model in a Gas-Lifted Well with High Water-Cut

Gas-lift technique is part of a long-term production sustainability solution in oil fields amid increasing water cuts and depleting reservoir energy. A three-phase compositional model describing the continuous gas-lift process for an operational oilfield experiencing high water-cut is developed. Field data with different water-cut values was considered to compare a three-phase...

Compositional Description of Three-Phase Flow Model in a Gas-Lifted Well with High Water-Cut

Gas-lift technique is part of a long-term production sustainability solution in oil fields amid increasing water cuts and depleting reservoir energy. A three-phase compositional model describing the continuous gas-lift process for an operational oilfield experiencing high water-cut is developed. Field data with different water-cut values was considered to compare a three-phase...