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Search: authors:"Maria Strømme"

2 papers found.
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Sulfonated nanocellulose beads as potential immunosorbents

Herein 2,3-dialdehyde cellulose beads prepared from Cladophora green algae nanocellulose were sulfonated and characterized by FTIR, conductometric titration, elemental analysis, SEM, ζ-potential, nitrogen adsorption–desorption and laser diffraction, aiming for its application as a potential immunosorbent material. Porous beads were prepared at mild reaction conditions in water...

In vitro biological responses to nanofibrillated cellulose by human dermal, lung and immune cells: surface chemistry aspect

Background Nanocellulose, and particularly nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), has been proposed for a diversity of applications in industry and in the biomedical field. Its unique physicochemical and structural features distinguish nanocellulose from traditional materials and enable its use as an advance nanomaterial. However, its nanoscale features may induce unknown biological...