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Search: authors:"Mariam Garelnabi"

3 papers found.
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Quantifying donor-to-donor variation in macrophage responses to the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans

Conceptualization: Robin C. May. Data curation: Leanne M. Taylor-Smith, Robin C. May. Investigation: Mariam Garelnabi. Methodology: Robin C. May. Resources: Daniel Stones. Supervision: Leanne M. Taylor-Smith ... , Robin C. May. Validation: Ewa Bielska. Writing ± original draft: Mariam Garelnabi. Writing ± review & editing: Mariam Garelnabi, Leanne M. Taylor-Smith, Ewa Bielska, Rebecca A. Hall, Robin C. May. 10

Variability in innate host immune responses to cryptococcosis

Cryptococcosis is an invasive fungal disease caused by Cryptococcus neoformans and the closely related species C. gattii. The severe form of the disease, cryptococcal meningitis (CM), is rapidly fatal without treatment. Although typically a disease of immunocompromised (especially HIV-positive) individuals, there is growing awareness of cryptococcal disease amongst non...