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Search: authors:"Mark Genovese"

9 papers found.
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Effect of filgotinib, a selective JAK 1 inhibitor, with and without methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: patient-reported outcomes

#203, Palo Alto, CA, 94304, USAMark Genovese AuthorsSearch for Mark Genovese in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Rene Westhovens in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Luc Meuleners in:PubMed ... and approved the final manuscript. Corresponding author Correspondence to Mark Genovese. Ethics declarations Authors’ information RW and AK were the principal investigators of the MTX-add on study

Switching from adalimumab to tofacitinib in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Background Tofacitinib is an oral Janus kinase inhibitor for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of this study was to explore the safety and efficacy of open-label tofacitinib following blinded treatment with adalimumab or tofacitinib for moderate to severe RA. Methods Analyses included patients treated with adalimumab 40 mg once every 2 weeks or tofacitinib 10 mg...

Sarilumab plus methotrexate improves patient-reported outcomes in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate responses to methotrexate: results of a phase III trial

Background Sarilumab is a human monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha subunit of the interleukin-6 receptor complex. In the MOBILITY phase III randomized controlled trial (RCT), sarilumab + methotrexate (MTX) treatment resulted in clinical improvements at 24 weeks that were maintained at 52 weeks in adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), who have inadequate response to...

Mass cytometry as a platform for the discovery of cellular biomarkers to guide effective rheumatic disease therapy

Nair & Chan C WhitingDepartment of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305, USANitya Nair, Mark Genovese, C Garrison Fathman & Chan C WhitingInstitute for Immunity, Transplantation and ... Search for Mark Genovese in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for C Garrison Fathman in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Chan C Whiting in:PubMed • Google Scholar Corresponding author Correspondence to

Mass cytometry as a platform for the discovery of cellular biomarkers to guide effective rheumatic disease therapy

The development of biomarkers for autoimmune diseases has been hampered by a lack of understanding of disease etiopathogenesis and of the mechanisms underlying the induction and maintenance of inflammation, which involves complex activation dynamics of diverse cell types. The heterogeneous nature and suboptimal clinical response to treatment observed in many autoimmune syndromes...

Gene expression changes reflect clinical response in a placebo-controlled randomized trial of abatacept in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis

Introduction Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. We sought to assess the clinical and molecular effects associated with response to intravenous abatacept in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic. Methods Adult diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis patients were randomized in a 2:1 double-blinded...

Association of serum markers with improvement in clinical response measures after treatment with golimumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite receiving methotrexate: results from the GO-FORWARD study

for Sudha Visvanathan in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Mahboob U Rahman in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Edward Keystone in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Mark Genovese in:PubMed

Association of serum markers with improvement in clinical response measures after treatment with golimumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite receiving methotrexate: results from the GO-FORWARD study

Introduction The goal of this study was to identify serum markers that are modulated by treatment with golimumab with or without methotrexate (MTX) and are associated with clinical response. Methods Sera were collected at weeks 0 and 4 from a total of 336 patients (training dataset, n = 100; test dataset, n = 236) from the GO-FORWARD study of patients with active rheumatoid...

Secukinumab in Active Rheumatoid Arthritis after Anti-TNFα Therapy: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Study

Introduction ‘REASSURE’ (NCT01377012), a phase 3 study, evaluated the efficacy and safety of secukinumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who had an inadequate response to, or intolerance of, tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNF-inhibitors). Methods A total of 637 patients were randomized (1:1:1) to receive intravenous secukinumab 10 mg/kg (baseline, weeks 2 and...