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Search: authors:"Martin Krenn"

5 papers found.
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Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in Guillain–Barré syndrome: value of albumin quotients

Albuminocytologic dissociation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a diagnostic hallmark of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS). Compared to CSF total protein (TP), the CSF/serum albumin quotient (Qalb) has the advantage of method-independent reference ranges. Whether the diagnostic yield differs between Qalb and CSF-TP is currently unknown. We retrospectively analyzed the diagnostic yield...

A Sunken Ship of the Desert at the River Danube in Tulln, Austria

Rescue excavations recovered a skeleton that resurrect the contemporary dramatic history of Austria in the 17th century as troops besieged Vienna in the second Osmanic-Habsburg war. Unique for Central Europe is the evidence of a completely preserved camel skeleton uncovered in a large refuse pit. The male individual of slender stature indicates a few but characteristic...

Mutations outside the N-terminal part of RBCK1 may cause polyglucosan body myopathy with immunological dysfunction: expanding the genotype–phenotype spectrum

A subset of patients with polyglucosan body myopathy was found to have underlying mutations in the RBCK1 gene. Affected patients may display diverse symptoms ranging from skeletal muscular weakness, cardiomyopathy to chronic autoinflammation and immunodeficiency. It was suggested that the exact localization of the mutation within the gene might be responsible for the specific...