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Search: authors:"Martine M. Rutten"

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Consumers discard a lot more food than widely believed: Estimates of global food waste using an energy gap approach and affluence elasticity of food waste

, Thom Achterbosch, Martine M. Rutten. Investigation: Monika van den Bos Verma, Linda de Vreede. Methodology: Monika van den Bos Verma. Project administration: Monika van den Bos Verma, Thom Achterbosch ... , Martine M. Rutten. Supervision: Monika van den Bos Verma, Martine M. Rutten. Validation: Monika van den Bos Verma. Visualization: Monika van den Bos Verma. Writing – original draft: Monika van den Bos

What economic theory tells us about the impacts of reducing food losses and/or waste: implications for research, policy and practice

Whereas the prevalence of hunger and food insecurity is often cited as a motivation for reducing losses and waste in agriculture and food systems, the impacts of such reduction on food security and the wider economy have not yet been investigated. This paper gives insights into these effects, the factors of influence, and derives implications for applied research, policy and...

Quantifying the connections—linkages between land-use and water in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Land development without thoughtful water supply planning can lead to unsustainability. In practice, management of our lands and waters is often unintegrated. We present new land-use, ecological stream health, water quality, and streamflow data from nine perennial watersheds in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, in the 2016 monsoon (i.e., August and September) and 2017 pre-monsoon (i.e...