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Search: authors:"Mawuli Komla Kushitor"

4 papers found.
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The double burden of disease and the challenge of health access: Evidence from Access, Bottlenecks, Cost and Equity facility survey in Ghana

Conceptualization: Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra Boatemaa. Formal analysis: Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra Boatemaa. Methodology: Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra Boatemaa. Validation: Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra ... Boatemaa. Writing ± original draft: Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra Boatemaa. Writing ± review & editing: Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra Boatemaa. 9 / 11 10 / 11 1. Agyei-Mensah S , de-Graft Aikins A

Institutional mortality rate and cause of death at health facilities in Ghana between 2014 and 2018

, Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Atsu Ayi, John Koku Awoonor-Williams. Supervision: Adobea Yaa Owusu, Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor. Validation: Adobea Yaa Owusu, Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor, Anthony Adofo Ofosu, Mawuli ... , Mawuli Komla Kushitor. Writing – review & editing: Adobea Yaa Owusu, Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor, Anthony Adofo Ofosu, Mawuli Komla Kushitor, John Koku Awoonor-Williams. 13 / 15 27. 14 / 15 1. Gouda HN

Factors associated with treatment-seeking for malaria in urban poor communities in Accra, Ghana

In Ghana, about 3.5 million cases of malaria are recorded each year. Urban poor residents particularly have a higher risk of malaria mainly due to poor housing, low socio-economic status and poor sanitation. Alternative treatment for malaria (mainly African traditional/herbal and/or self-medication) is further compounding efforts to control the incidence of malaria in urban poor...

Sense of community and willingness to support malaria intervention programme in urban poor Accra, Ghana

The extensive research on community members’ willingness to support malaria interventions ignores the role of psychosocial determinants. This study assesses the impact of individuals’ sense of community (perceptions of community cohesion, altruism, seeking help from neighbours and migrant status) on their willingness to participate in a mosquito control programme using data on...