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Search: authors:"Mengtao Zhou"

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Development and validation of a risk prediction score for severe acute pancreatitis

The available prognostic scoring systems for severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) have limitations that restrict their clinical value. The aim of this study was to develop a simple model (score) that could rapidly identify those at risk for SAP. We derived a risk model using a retrospective cohort of 700 patients by logistic regression and bootstrapping methods. The discriminative...

The DNA methylation profile of non-coding RNAs improves prognosis prediction for pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Compelling lines of evidence indicate that DNA methylation of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) plays critical roles in various tumour progression. In addition, the differential methylation of ncRNAs can predict prognosis of patients. However, little is known about the clear relationship between DNA methylation profile of ncRNAs and the prognosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC...

Downregulation of TNF-α/TNF-R1 Signals by AT-Lipoxin A4 May Be a Significant Mechanism of Attenuation in SAP-Associated Lung Injury

, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Correspondence should be addressed to Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 27 July 2018; Revised 1 January 2019; Accepted 11 February 2019; Published 11 April ... ’ Contributions Suhui Yu finished the in vitro assays with Yukai Xiang and Shengjie Dai. Jianming Xie finished the in vivo assays with Dinglai Yu and Hongwei Sun. Bicheng Chen and Mengtao Zhou were the directors of

Downregulation of TNF-α/TNF-R1 Signals by AT-Lipoxin A4 May Be a Significant Mechanism of Attenuation in SAP-Associated Lung Injury

Mengtao Zhou were the directors of this study who designed the research and finished statistical work. Acknowledgments This study is supported by the Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe

Downregulation of TNF-α/TNF-R1 Signals by AT-Lipoxin A4 May Be a Significant Mechanism of Attenuation in SAP-Associated Lung Injury

, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Correspondence should be addressed to Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 27 July 2018; Revised 1 January 2019; Accepted 11 February 2019; Published 11 April ... ’ Contributions Suhui Yu finished the in vitro assays with Yukai Xiang and Shengjie Dai. Jianming Xie finished the in vivo assays with Dinglai Yu and Hongwei Sun. Bicheng Chen and Mengtao Zhou were the directors of

High Glucose-Induced ROS Production Stimulates Proliferation of Pancreatic Cancer via Inactivating the JNK Pathway

Aberrant glucose metabolism of diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia stimulates pancreatic tumorigenesis and progression. Hyperglycemic environment can increase the ROS level of tumors, but the role of upregulation of ROS levels in pancreatic cancer (PC) still remains controversial. Here, the same as other reports, we demonstrate that high glucose promoted pancreatic cancer cell...

High Glucose-Induced ROS Production Stimulates Proliferation of Pancreatic Cancer via Inactivating the JNK Pathway

addressed to Bicheng Chen; moc.361@hcnosib and Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 12 April 2018; Revised 6 August 2018; Accepted 23 September 2018; Published 21 November 2018 Academic Editor

High Glucose-Induced ROS Production Stimulates Proliferation of Pancreatic Cancer via Inactivating the JNK Pathway

addressed to Bicheng Chen; moc.361@hcnosib and Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 12 April 2018; Revised 6 August 2018; Accepted 23 September 2018; Published 21 November 2018 Academic Editor

Prevalence and characteristics of colonic adenoma in mainland China

Prevalence and characteristics of colonic adenoma in mainland China Wandong Hong,1 Lemei Dong,1 Simon Stock,2 Zarrin Basharat,3 Maddalena Zippi,4 Mengtao Zhou5 1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China, 2Department of Surgery, World Mate Emergency Hospital, Battambang, Cambodia; 3Jamil-ur-Rahman Center...

Relationship between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and severe acute pancreatitis (“the lipid paradox”)

3 6 Mengtao 0 3 0 Mengtao Zhou Department of Surgery, The First Affiliated hospital of Wenzhou Medical University , nanbaixiang, Ouhai District, Wenzhou 325000, Zhejiang , People's Republic of China

The rat pancreatic body tail as a source of a novel extracellular matrix scaffold for endocrine pancreas bioengineering

Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are promising approaches for organ transplantation. Extracellular matrix (ECM) based scaffolds obtained through the decellularization of natural organs have become the preferred platform for organ bioengineering. In the field of pancreas bioengineering, acellular scaffolds from different animals approximate the biochemical, spatial and...

A novel nomogram for the prediction of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in patients with intrahepatic lithiasis complicated by imagiologically diagnosed mass

Li,2 Mengtao Zhou,1 Zhengping Yu,1 Xiangwu Zheng,3 Xiuling Wu,4 Yunfeng Shan,1 Qiyu Zhang,1 Qiqiang Zeng1 1Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University

Brusatol Enhances the Chemotherapy Efficacy of Gemcitabine in Pancreatic Cancer via the Nrf2 Signalling Pathway

addressed to Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 22 November 2017; Revised 21 January 2018; Accepted 20 February 2018; Published 18 April 2018 Academic Editor: Sharad S. Singhal Copyright © 2018

Brusatol Enhances the Chemotherapy Efficacy of Gemcitabine in Pancreatic Cancer via the Nrf2 Signalling Pathway

addressed to Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 22 November 2017; Revised 21 January 2018; Accepted 20 February 2018; Published 18 April 2018 Academic Editor: Sharad S. Singhal Copyright © 2018

Brusatol Enhances the Chemotherapy Efficacy of Gemcitabine in Pancreatic Cancer via the Nrf2 Signalling Pathway

addressed to Mengtao Zhou; nc.ude.umw@oatgnemuohz Received 22 November 2017; Revised 21 January 2018; Accepted 20 February 2018; Published 18 April 2018 Academic Editor: Sharad S. Singhal Copyright © 2018

Colonic diverticulosis is not a risk factor for colonic adenoma

, The First a ffiliated h ospital, Wenzhou Medical University , Wenzhou, Zhejiang , China 5 Mengtao Zhou Department of surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University , nanbaixiang

Predictors of acute pancreatitis with low elevation of serum amylase

following Dove Press journal: Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management Wandong Hong 1,* Wujun Geng 2,* Bicheng Chen 3,4,* Zarrin Basharat 5,* Qingsong Wu 6 Vincent Zimmer 7,8 Mengtao Zhou 4 Department of ... Center, Saarland University, Homburg, 8Department of Medicine, Marienhausklinik St Josef Kohlhof, Neunkirchen, Germany 1 *These authors contributed equally to this work Correspondence: Mengtao Zhou

Quercetin inhibits epithelial–mesenchymal transition, decreases invasiveness and metastasis, and reverses IL-6 induced epithelial–mesenchymal transition, expression of MMP by inhibiting STAT3 signaling in pancreatic cancer cells

Quercetin inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition, decreases invasiveness and metastasis, and reverses IL-6 induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition, expression of MMP by inhibiting STAT3 signaling in pancreatic cancer cells Dinglai Yu,1 Tingting Ye,1 Yukai Xiang,1 Zhehao Shi,1 Jie Zhang,1 Bin Lou,1 Fan Zhang,1 Bicheng Chen,1,2 Mengtao Zhou1 1Department of Surgery, The First...

Serum Albumin Is Independently Associated with Persistent Organ Failure in Acute Pancreatitis

be addressed to Mengtao Zhou; moc.anis@oatgnemuohzyduts Received 26 May 2017; Revised 4 September 2017; Accepted 11 September 2017; Published 24 September 2017 Academic Editor: Yousuke Nakai ... Cheng, and Mengtao Zhou helped to finalize the manuscript. All of the authors read and approved the manuscript. Wandong Hong, Wujun Geng, Bicheng Cheng, and Jingye Pan contributed equally to this work

Serum Albumin Is Independently Associated with Persistent Organ Failure in Acute Pancreatitis

be addressed to Mengtao Zhou; moc.anis@oatgnemuohzyduts Received 26 May 2017; Revised 4 September 2017; Accepted 11 September 2017; Published 24 September 2017 Academic Editor: Yousuke Nakai ... Cheng, and Mengtao Zhou helped to finalize the manuscript. All of the authors read and approved the manuscript. Wandong Hong, Wujun Geng, Bicheng Cheng, and Jingye Pan contributed equally to this work