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Search: authors:"Michael Ruzhansky"

3 papers found.
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Hyperbolic systems with non-diagonalisable principal part and variable multiplicities, I: well-posedness

Michael Ruzhansky 0 1 0 Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, 180 Queen's Gate , London SW7 2AZ , UK 1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University , Loughborough ... can be applied. We give explicit details for the appearing Michael Ruzhansky was supported in parts by EPSRC Grant EP/R003025/1 and by the Leverhulme Grant RPG-2017-151. No new data was collected or

Smoothing estimates for non-dispersive equations

JSPS KAKENHI 26287022 and 26610021. B Michael Ruzhansky which is equivalent to the usual estimate in the dispersive case and is also invariant under canonical transformations for the operator a(Dx

Weakly hyperbolic equations with non-analytic coefficients and lower order terms

Claudia Garetto 0 Michael Ruzhansky 0 Mathematics Subject Classification 0 0 C. Garetto School of Mathematics, Loughborough University , Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK In this paper we consider