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Expanding the Horizons of Horizontal Inquiry into Rights Consciousness: An Engagement with David Engel

HORIZONTAL STUDY Overall, I heartily endorse Engel's questions about the limits of the unilateral vertical explanation for rights diffusion and his proposal 20. See generally MICHAEL W. MCCANN, RIGHTS AT WORK

Inclusion, Exclusion, and the Politics of Rights Mobilization: Reflections on the Asian American Experience

By Michael W. McCann, Published on 07/01/12 ... grant (SES-1060698)) [hereinafter MCCANN, A UNION BY LAW]. 4 See STUART A. SCHEINGOLD, THE POLITICS OF RIGHTS: LAWYERS, PUBLIC POLICY, AND POLITICAL CHANGE (2d ed. 2004); MICHAEL W. MCCANN, RIGHTS AT WORK