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Search: authors:"Minho Kim"

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Real-time counting of wheezing events from lung sounds using deep learning algorithms: Implications for disease prediction and early intervention

: Sunghoon Im, Taewi Kim, Dohyeong Kim, Daeshik Kang, SungChul Seo. Funding acquisition: Daeshik Kang, SungChul Seo. Investigation: Sunghoon Im, Taewi Kim, Yeonwook Roh, Changhwan Kim, Minho Kim, KyungMin ... Shim. Methodology: Sunghoon Im, Taewi Kim, Yeonwook Roh, Changhwan Kim, Minho Kim, Jesung Koh, Seungyong Han, JaeWang Lee, Dohyeong Kim, Daeshik Kang, SungChul Seo. Project administration: Daeshik Kang