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Search: authors:"Miwon Ahn"

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Impact of silencing hepatic SREBP-1 on insulin signaling

. Data curation: Victoria Jideonwo, Yongyong Hou, Miwon Ahn, Sneha Surendran. Formal analysis: Victoria Jideonwo, NuÂria Morral. Project administration: NuÂria Morral. Supervision: NuÂria Morral ... . Writing ± original draft: Victoria Jideonwo. Writing ± review & editing: Victoria Jideonwo, Yongyong Hou, Miwon Ahn, Sneha Surendran, NuÂria Morral. 9 / 12 10 / 12 11 / 12 1. Alessi DR , James SR , Downes