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Search: authors:"Mohadeseh Sadat Tahami"

2 papers found.
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A survey of basal insects (Microcoryphia and Zygentoma) from subterranean environments of Iran, with description of three new species

A survey of wingless insects belonging to the orders Microcoryphia (=Archaeognatha) and Zygentoma (=Thysanura s. str.) has been performed in subterranean habitats of central Iran. As a result, several new species have been discovered. In this work, three new species are described: a new species of bristletail of the family Machilidae, Haslundiella iranica sp. n., a new silverfish...

A survey of basal insects (Microcoryphia and Zygentoma) from subterranean environments of Iran, with description of three new species

A survey of wingless insects belonging to the orders Microcoryphia (=Archaeognatha) and Zygentoma (=Thysanura s. str.) has been performed in subterranean habitats of central Iran. As a result, several new species have been discovered. In this work, three new species are described: a new species of bristletail of the family Machilidae, Haslundiella iranica sp. n., a new silverfish...