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Search: authors:"Mohd Saqib"

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Principal component based support vector machine (PC-SVM): a hybrid technique for software defect detection

Computing Department, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) , Dhanbad, Jharkhand , India 1 & Mohd. Saqib 2 CSE Department, Institute of Technology & Management (A.K.T.U) , Aligarh, U.P , India 3 Mohd ... published maps and institutional affiliations. research area is data analysis, cloud computing, e-learning, Artificial Intelligence and software engineering. Mohd. Saqib received his B.Sc. in Computer

Forecasting COVID-19 outbreak progression using hybrid polynomial-Bayesian ridge regression model

researcher may come up with different robust models that also consider these factors. Mohd Saqib received his B.Sc. in Computer Application from the D e p a r t m e n t o f C o m p u t e r S c i e n c e , A l

Lipoarabinomannan from Mycobacterium indicus pranii shows immunostimulatory activity and induces autophagy in macrophages

Grant of the National Institute of Immunology. 13 / 16 Author Contributions Conceptualization: Bindu Singh, Mohd Saqib, Sangeeta Bhaskar. Data curation: Bindu Singh, Mohd Saqib, Anush Chakraborty ... . Formal analysis: Bindu Singh, Mohd Saqib, Sangeeta Bhaskar. Funding acquisition: Sangeeta Bhaskar. Investigation: Sangeeta Bhaskar. Methodology: Bindu Singh, Mohd Saqib, Sangeeta Bhaskar. Project

Autophagy induction by Mycobacterium indicus pranii promotes Mycobacterium tuberculosis clearance from RAW 264.7 macrophages

Singh, Mohd Saqib. 13 / 16 Funding acquisition: Sangeeta Bhaskar. Investigation: Sangeeta Bhaskar. Methodology: Bindu Singh, Mohd Saqib, Ananya Gupta. Project administration: Sangeeta Bhaskar ... Singh, Mohd Saqib, Ananya Gupta, Pawan Kumar, Sangeeta Bhaskar. 14 / 16 15 / 16 1. Koul A , Herget T , Klebl B , Ullrich A ( 2004 ) Interplay between mycobacteria and host signalling pathways . Nat Rev

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Through Cloud Monitoring and Management

Smart charging system of electric vehicle using cloud based monitoring and management is demonstrated in this work. xEVs (electric plugin hybrid, battery electric vehicles) Charging Management System is crucial for the dynamic demands of charging infrastructure, namely perspectives from automakers, electricity providers, vehicle owners and charging service providers. Through...