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Search: authors:"Natalia Farkas"

3 papers found.
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Dynamic light scattering distributions by any means

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is an essential technique for nanoparticle size analysis and has been employed extensively for decades, but despite its long history and popularity, the choice of weighting and mean of the size distribution often appears to be picked ad hoc to bring the results into agreement with other methods and expectations by any means necessary. Here, we...

Steps to achieve quantitative measurements of microRNA using two step droplet digital PCR

received from an anonymous reviewer that helped us further improve our experimental design. Data curation: Erica V. Stein. Formal analysis: Erica V. Stein, David L. Duewer, Natalia Farkas. Investigation ... : Erica V. Stein, Natalia Farkas, Erica L. Romsos. Methodology: Erica V. Stein, David L. Duewer, Natalia Farkas, Erica L. Romsos, Lili Wang, Kenneth D. Cole. Project administration: Erica V. Stein

Physical-chemical measurement method development for self-assembled, core-shell nanoparticles

Improvements in dimensional metrology and innovations in physical-chemical characterization of functionalized nanoparticles are critically important for the realization of enhanced performance and benefits of nanomaterials. Toward this goal, we propose a multi-technique measurement approach, in which correlated atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering, high performance...