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Search: authors:"Olivia Lee"

4 papers found.
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Review: A River of Stars by Vanessa Hua

mistress 0 0 Olivia Lee is an MA student in the English and Comparative Literature Department at San Jose? State University - During Scarlett?s stay in this maternity home, she learns that Boss Yeung has ... ? a lesson that is much needed in the political climate of today. University ---Olivia Lee Jos?

High efficiency classification of children with autism spectrum disorder

. Biochemical and adaptive behavior data from ASD, NEU, and SIB participants. (CSV) Conceptualization: Genyuan Li, Herschel Rabitz. Data curation: Genyuan Li, Olivia Lee. Formal analysis: Genyuan Li, Olivia Lee ... , Herschel Rabitz. Funding acquisition: Genyuan Li, Herschel Rabitz. Investigation: Genyuan Li, Olivia Lee, Herschel Rabitz. Methodology: Genyuan Li, Herschel Rabitz. Project administration: Herschel

Flow cytometric assessment of the signaling status of human B lymphocytes from normal and autoimmune individuals

Abnormalities in lymphocyte signaling cascades are thought to play an important role in the development of autoimmune disease. However, the large amount of cellular material needed for standard biochemical assessment of signaling status has made it difficult to evaluate putative abnormalities completely using primary lymphocytes. The development of technology to employ...

Flow cytometric assessment of the signaling status of human B lymphocytes from normal and autoimmune individuals

Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAPeter E Lipsky AuthorsSearch for Amrie C Grammer in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Randy Fischer in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Olivia Lee in:PubMed ... AffiliationsDepartment of Health and Human Services, B Cell Biology Group in the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bldg 10, Rm 6D47A, 20892, Maryland, USAAmrie C Grammer, Randy Fischer, Olivia