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Search: authors:"P. R. S. Carvalho"

2 papers found.
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Exact Lorentz-violating all-loop ultraviolet divergences in scalar field theories

In this work we evaluate analytically the ultraviolet divergences of Lorentz-violating massive O(N) \(\lambda \phi ^{4}\) scalar field theories, which are exact in the Lorentz-violating mechanism, firstly explicitly at next-to-leading order and latter at any loop level through an induction procedure based on a theorem following from the exact approach, for computing the...

Probing the two-scale-factor universality hypothesis by exact rotation symmetry-breaking mechanism

We probe the two-scale-factor universality hypothesis by evaluating, firstly explicitly and analytically at the one-loop order, the loop quantum corrections to the amplitude ratios for O(N) \(\lambda \phi ^{4}\) scalar field theories with rotation symmetry breaking in three distinct and independent methods in which the rotation symmetry-breaking mechanism is treated exactly. We...