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Search: authors:"Panos G. Kalatzis"

3 papers found.
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Characterization of a Highly Virulent Edwardsiella anguillarum Strain Isolated From Greek Aquaculture, and a Spontaneously Induced Prophage Therein

Edwardsiella-associated outbreaks are increasingly reported on both marine and freshwater aquaculture setups, accounting for severe financial and biomass losses. E. tarda, E. ictaluri, and E. hoshinae have been the traditional causative agents of edwardsiellosis in aquaculture, however, intensive studies due to the significance of the disease have just recently revealed two more...

Isolation and characterization of a N4-like lytic bacteriophage infecting Vibrio splendidus, a pathogen of fish and bivalves

: Pantelis Katharios, Panos G. Kalatzis. Data curation: Pantelis Katharios. Formal analysis: Pantelis Katharios, Panos G. Kalatzis, Constantina Kokkari, Elena Sarropoulou. Investigation: Elena Sarropoulou ... . Validation: Constantina Kokkari, Mathias Middelboe. Writing ± original draft: Pantelis Katharios, Panos G. Kalatzis, Constantina Kokkari, Elena Sarropoulou. Writing ± review & editing: Pantelis Katharios