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Search: authors:"Patrick W. Keys"

3 papers found.
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Megacity precipitationsheds reveal tele-connected water security challenges

feedback on this work. 19 / 22 Author Contributions Conceptualization: Patrick W. Keys, Lan Wang-Erlandsson, Line J. Gordon. Formal analysis: Patrick W. Keys. Investigation: Patrick W. Keys. Methodology ... : Patrick W. Keys, Lan Wang-Erlandsson, Line J. Gordon. Resources: Patrick W. Keys, Lan Wang-Erlandsson. Validation: Patrick W. Keys. Writing ± original draft: Patrick W. Keys, Lan Wang-Erlandsson. Writing

Green water and African sustainability

Sub-Saharan Africa faces an enormous challenge in meeting the basic needs of a population that will nearly triple between now and the end of the twenty-first century. Managing water effectively, sustainably, and equitably will be a critical component for meeting this challenge, especially in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We focus on green water (i.e...

Revealing Invisible Water: Moisture Recycling as an Ecosystem Service

An ecosystem service is a benefit derived by humanity that can be traced back to an ecological process. Although ecosystem services related to surface water have been thoroughly described, the relationship between atmospheric water and ecosystem services has been mostly neglected, and perhaps misunderstood. Recent advances in land-atmosphere modeling have revealed the importance...