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Search: authors:"Payal Hathi"

4 papers found.
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When women eat last: Discrimination at home and women’s mental health

Vivek Koli. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Payal Hathi, Diane Coffey, Amit Thorat, Nazar Khalid. 19 / 22 Data curation: Payal Hathi, Diane Coffey, Nazar Khalid. Formal analysis: Payal Hathi ... , Diane Coffey. Investigation: Payal Hathi, Diane Coffey, Nazar Khalid. Methodology: Payal Hathi, Diane Coffey. Project administration: Payal Hathi, Diane Coffey, Amit Thorat, Nazar Khalid. Writing

Place and Child Health: The Interaction of Population Density and Sanitation in Developing Countries

A long literature in demography has debated the importance of place for health, especially children’s health. In this study, we assess whether the importance of dense settlement for infant mortality and child height is moderated by exposure to local sanitation behavior. Is open defecation (i.e., without a toilet or latrine) worse for infant mortality and child height where...

Association between malaria control and paediatric blood transfusions in rural Zambia: an interrupted time-series analysis

Background Blood transfusions can reduce mortality among children with severe malarial anaemia, but there is limited evidence quantifying the relationship between paediatric malaria and blood transfusions. This study explores the extent to which the use of paediatric blood transfusions is affected by the number of paediatric malaria visits and admissions. It assesses whether the...

Association between malaria control and paediatric blood transfusions in rural Zambia: an interrupted time-series analysis

Blood transfusions can reduce mortality among children with severe malarial anaemia, but there is limited evidence quantifying the relationship between paediatric malaria and blood transfusions. This study explores the extent to which the use of paediatric blood transfusions is affected by the number of paediatric malaria visits and admissions. It assesses whether the scale-up of...