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Search: authors:"Peng Liu"

9 papers found.
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Yang-Yang functions, monodromy and knot polynomials

We derive a structure of ℤ[t, t−1]-module bundle from a family of Yang-Yang functions. For the fundamental representation of the complex simple Lie algebra of classical type, we give explicit wall-crossing formula and prove that the monodromy representation of the ℤ[t, t−1]-module bundle is equivalent to the braid group representation induced by the universal R-matrices of Uh(g...

Entanglement of purification in holographic systems

Abstract The holographic entanglement of purification (EoP) in AdS4 and AdS-RN black hole backgrounds is studied. We develop an algorithm to compute the EoP for bipartite configuration with infinitely long strips. The temperature behavior of EoP is revealed for small, intermediate and large configurations: EoP monotonically increases with the temperature for small configurations...

Holographic butterfly effect at quantum critical points

When the Lyapunov exponent λL in a quantum chaotic system saturates the bound λL ≤ 2πk B T , it is proposed that this system has a holographic dual described by a gravity theory. In particular, the butterfly effect as a prominent phenomenon of chaos can ubiquitously exist in a black hole system characterized by a shockwave solution near the horizon. In this paper we propose that...

Y-system for γ-deformed ABJM theory

Abstract We investigate the integrable aspects of the planar γ-deformed ABJM theory and propose the twisted asymptotic Bethe ansatz equations. A more general method through a twisted generating functional is discussed, based on which, the asymptotic large L solution of Y-system is modified in order to match the asymptotic Bethe ansatz equations. Several applications of our method...

A novel insulator by holographic Q-lattices

We construct a bulk geometry with Q-lattice structure, which is implemented by two gauge fields and a coupling between the lattice and the Maxwell field. This gravity dual model can describe a novel insulator which exhibits some key features analogous to Mott insulator. In particular, a hard gap in insulating phase as well as vanishing DC conductivity can be simultaneously...

Holographic entanglement entropy close to quantum phase transitions

We investigate the holographic entanglement entropy (HEE) of a strip geometry in four dimensional Q-lattice backgrounds, which exhibit metal-insulator transitions in the dual field theory. Remarkably, we find that the HEE always displays a peak in the vicinity of the quantum critical points. Our model provides the first direct evidence that the HEE can be used to characterize the...

Holographic superconductor on Q-lattice

We construct the simplest gravitational dual model of a superconductor on Q-lattices. We analyze the condition for the existence of a critical temperature at which the charged scalar field will condense. In contrast to the holographic superconductor on ionic lattices, the presence of Q-lattices will suppress the condensate of the scalar field and lower the critical temperature...

Holographic fermionic system with dipole coupling on Q-lattice

We construct a holographic model for a fermionic system on Q-lattice and compute the spectral function in the presence of a dipole coupling. Both key features of doped Mott insulators, the dynamical generation of a gap and spectral weight transfer, are observed when adjusting the value of the coupling parameter p. Of particular interest is that when the background is in a deep...