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Search: authors:"Qingchang Meng"

2 papers found.
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PacBio-LITS: a large-insert targeted sequencing method for characterization of human disease-associated chromosomal structural variations

Background Generation of long (>5 Kb) DNA sequencing reads provides an approach for interrogation of complex regions in the human genome. Currently, large-insert whole genome sequencing (WGS) technologies from Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) enable analysis of chromosomal structural variations (SVs), but the cost to achieve the required sequence coverage across the entire human...

PacBio-LITS: a large-insert targeted sequencing method for characterization of human disease-associated chromosomal structural variations

Generation of long (>5 Kb) DNA sequencing reads provides an approach for interrogation of complex regions in the human genome. Currently, large-insert whole genome sequencing (WGS) technologies from Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) enable analysis of chromosomal structural variations (SVs), but the cost to achieve the required sequence coverage across the entire human genome is high...