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Search: authors:"Qingyang Luo"

3 papers found.
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Anti-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor GluR2 encephalitis in a myasthenia gravis patient with complete thymectomy: a case report

Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) is a newly recognized autoimmune disorders in which the targets are proteins or receptors involved in synaptic transmission and neuronal excitability. α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) is a subtype of glutamate receptor that mediates most of the fast excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. A 50-year-old woman...

Clinical Utility of Cxbladder Monitor for Patients with a History of Urothelial Carcinoma: A Physician–Patient Real-World Clinical Data Analysis

/share options in the company, David Darling was an employee of Pacific Edge Limited and also held shares/share options in the Company and Qingyang Luo was an employee of Pacific Edge Limited. All of the

Clinical utility of a non-invasive urine test for risk assessing patients with no obvious benign cause of hematuria: a physician-patient real world data analysis

The non-invasive Cxbladder urine test system has demonstrated clinical utility in ruling out urothelial carcinoma (UC) in patients with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria (AMH), suggesting that the number of invasive diagnostic tests, including cystoscopy, used in this patient population may be reduced by Cxbladder testing prior to conducting a full urological work-up. The aim of...