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Search: authors:"Rafał Strachel"

4 papers found.
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The Influence of Nitrogen on the Biological Properties of Soil Contaminated with Zinc

This study analyzed the relationship between nitrogen fertilization and the biological properties of soil contaminated with zinc. The influence of various concentrations of zinc and nitrogen on the microbiological and biochemical activity of soil was investigated. In a laboratory experiment, loamy sand with pHKCl 5.6 was contaminated with zinc (ZnCl2) and fertilized with urea as...

The Role of Compost in Stabilizing the Microbiological and Biochemical Properties of Zinc-Stressed Soil

The progressive development of civilization and intensive industrialization has contributed to the global pollution of the natural environment by heavy metals, especially the soil. Degraded soils generally contain less organic matter, and thus, their homeostasis is more often disturbed, which in turn manifests in changes in biological and physicochemical properties of the soil...

An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sorbents in the Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Zinc

Zinc exerts negative effects on soil and contributing to the degradation of soil ecosystems. New solutions for restoring healthy soil activity are therefore needed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of sorbents in the biological remediation of soil contaminated with zinc. A pot experiment was conducted on loamy sand. The tested plant was maize (Zea mays...

Bioaugmentation of Soil Contaminated with Zinc

An experiment described in this work aimed to establish the role of bioaugmentation in minimizing adverse outcomes of loamy sand contamination with zinc. The bioaugmentation was conducted with the use of microbial strains being most resistant to the action of zinc, which were isolated from the soil contaminated with 1250 mg Zn2+ kg−1 dry matter (DM) of soil after 12-month...