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Search: authors:"Raffaela Tavazza"

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Functional diversity inside the Arabidopsis polyamine oxidase gene family

Polyamine oxidases (PAOs) are FAD-dependent enzymes involved in polyamine catabolism. All so far characterized PAOs from monocotyledonous plants, such as the apoplastic maize PAO, oxidize spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd) to produce 1,3-diaminopropane, H2O2, and an aminoaldehyde, and are thus considered to be involved in a terminal catabolic pathway. Mammalian PAOs oxidize Spm...

Metabolic Engineering of Potato Carotenoid Content through Tuber-Specific Overexpression of a Bacterial Mini-Pathway

BackgroundSince the creation of “Golden Rice”, biofortification of plant-derived foods is a promising strategy for the alleviation of nutritional deficiencies. Potato is the most important staple food for mankind after the cereals rice, wheat and maize, and is extremely poor in provitamin A carotenoids.MethodologyWe transformed potato with a mini-pathway of bacterial origin...

Silencing of beta-carotene hydroxylase increases total carotenoid and beta-carotene levels in potato tubers

Background Beta-carotene is the main dietary precursor of vitamin A. Potato tubers contain low levels of carotenoids, composed mainly of the xanthophylls lutein (in the beta-epsilon branch) and violaxanthin (in the beta-beta branch). None of these carotenoids have provitamin A activity. We have previously shown that tuber-specific silencing of the first step in the epsilon-beta...

Silencing of beta-carotene hydroxylase increases total carotenoid and beta-carotene levels in potato tubers

, ItalyGianfranco Diretto, Raffaela Tavazza, Fabienne Mourgues, Daniele Pizzichini & Giovanni GiulianoFaculty for Biology, Universität Freiburg, Schänzlestrasse 1, Freiburg, 79104, GermanyRalf Welsch & Peter Beyer ... AuthorsSearch for Gianfranco Diretto in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Ralf Welsch in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Raffaela Tavazza in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Fabienne Mourgues in:PubMed

Metabolic engineering of potato tuber carotenoids through tuber-specific silencing of lycopene epsilon cyclase

Background Potato is a major staple food, and modification of its provitamin content is a possible means for alleviating nutritional deficiencies. beta-carotene is the main dietary precursor of vitamin A. Potato tubers contain low levels of carotenoids, composed mainly of the xanthophylls lutein, antheraxanthin, violaxanthin, and of xanthophyll esters. None of these carotenoids...

Metabolic engineering of potato tuber carotenoids through tuber-specific silencing of lycopene epsilon cyclase

, 00100AD, ItalyGianfranco Diretto, Raffaela Tavazza, Daniele Pizzichini, Fabienne Mourgues, Velia Papacchioli & Giovanni GiulianoCenter for Applied Biosciences, Universität Freiburg, Schänzlestrasse 1 ... , Freiburg, 79104, GermanyRalf Welsch & Peter Beyer AuthorsSearch for Gianfranco Diretto in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Raffaela Tavazza in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Ralf Welsch in:PubMed