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Search: authors:"Regina Birner"

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Drought and child undernutrition in Ethiopia: A longitudinal path analysis

. Formal analysis: Bezawit Adugna Bahru. Methodology: Bezawit Adugna Bahru, Christine Bosch, Regina Birner, Manfred Zeller. Resources: Manfred Zeller. Supervision: Christine Bosch, Regina Birner, Manfred ... Zeller. Writing ? original draft: Bezawit Adugna Bahru. Writing ? review & editing: Bezawit Adugna Bahru, Christine Bosch, Regina Birner, Manfred Zeller. 14 / 16 four low-and middle-income countries

The neglected governance challenges of agricultural mechanisation in Africa – insights from Ghana

, Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, University of Hohenheim , Wollgrasweg 43, 70599 Stuttgart , Germany 1 Regina Birner After decades of neglect, agricultural mechanisation is back on the development agenda in ... ). Worldwide Governance Indicators . http://info. Accessed 18 July 2017 . WTO ( 2014 ). Trade policy review - Burkina Faso . Report by the Secretariat . Prof. Dr. Regina

Why do maize farmers in Ghana have a limited choice of improved seed varieties? An assessment of the governance challenges in seed supply

Saurabh Gupta 1 Regina Birner The liberalisation of commercial seed systems has largely been seen as an essential means of improving agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, access to improved ... . This involves research on the governance and institutions of seed systems, out-grower schemes and emerging output markets for maize and cassava in Ghana Prof. Dr. Regina Birner holds the Chair of Social

Measuring the quality of clinical veterinary services for Cattle: an application of a role play experiment in rural Uganda

The dominance of veterinary paraprofessionals in the animal health markets has been linked to the decline in quality of veterinary services. This study uses a role play experiment to analyze how the interaction of farmers and service providers influences the quality and the demand for clinical services for cattle. The quality of clinical services was measured by scoring the...

Measuring the quality of clinical veterinary services for Cattle: an application of a role play experiment in rural Uganda

Background The dominance of veterinary paraprofessionals in the animal health markets has been linked to the decline in quality of veterinary services. This study uses a role play experiment to analyze how the interaction of farmers and service providers influences the quality and the demand for clinical services for cattle. The quality of clinical services was measured by...

To eradicate or not to eradicate? Recommendations on Prosopis juliflora management in Afar, Ethiopia, from an interdisciplinary perspective

feeding mesquite pod meal (Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC) for horses . Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science 34 : 1240 - 1247 . Tilahun , Mesfin, Regina Birner , and John ... . Treydte , E. Abule, and J. Sauerborn . 2013 . Predicting aboveground biomass of woody encroacher species in semi-arid rangelands, Ethiopia . Journal of Arid Environments 96 : 64 - 72 . Ilukor , John, Regina

Informal value chain actors’ knowledge and perceptions about zoonotic diseases and biosecurity in Kenya and the importance for food safety and public health

Zoonotic diseases, transmitted from animals to humans, are a public health challenge in developing countries. Livestock value chain actors have an important role to play as the first line of defence in safeguarding public health. However, although the livelihood and economic impacts of zoonoses are widely known, adoption of biosecurity measures aimed at preventing zoonoses is low...

Socio-economic determinants of keeping goats and sheep by rural people in southern Benin

), Italy. Regina Birner a German citizen, holds a PhD in Socioeconomics of Rural Development. She is currently Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) where she