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Search: authors:"Riccardo Pecori"

7 papers found.
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RNA Editors, Cofactors, and mRNA Targets: An Overview of the C-to-U RNA Editing Machinery and Its Implication in Human Disease

One of the most prevalent epitranscriptomic modifications is RNA editing. In higher eukaryotes, RNA editing is catalyzed by one of two classes of deaminases: ADAR family enzymes that catalyze A-to-I (read as G) editing, and AID/APOBEC family enzymes that catalyze C-to-U. ADAR-catalyzed deamination has been studied extensively. Here we focus on AID/APOBEC-catalyzed editing, and...

MQTT-Auth: a Token-based Solution to Endow MQTT with Authentication and Authorization Capabilities

Enrico Buonocore for carefully proofreading the paper. Riccardo Pecori received the M.Sc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Magna cum Laude) from the University of Parma in 2007 and got his Ph.D

An efficient method to enrich for knock-out and knock-in cellular clones using the CRISPR/Cas9 system

deaminase; Class switch recombination - Francesca Niccheri and Riccardo Pecori contributed equally to this work. Introduction The new generations of tools that have been developed in the past few years

An Iterative Information-Theoretic Approach to the Detection of Structures in Complex Systems

Systems that exhibit complex behaviours often contain inherent dynamical structures which evolve over time in a coordinated way. In this paper, we present a methodology based on the Relevance Index method aimed at revealing the dynamical structures hidden in complex systems. The method iterates two basic steps: detection of relevant variable sets based on the computation of the...

An Iterative Information-Theoretic Approach to the Detection of Structures in Complex Systems

Systems that exhibit complex behaviours often contain inherent dynamical structures which evolve over time in a coordinated way. In this paper, we present a methodology based on the Relevance Index method aimed at revealing the dynamical structures hidden in complex systems. The method iterates two basic steps: detection of relevant variable sets based on the computation of the...

An Iterative Information-Theoretic Approach to the Detection of Structures in Complex Systems

Systems that exhibit complex behaviours often contain inherent dynamical structures which evolve over time in a coordinated way. In this paper, we present a methodology based on the Relevance Index method aimed at revealing the dynamical structures hidden in complex systems. The method iterates two basic steps: detection of relevant variable sets based on the computation of the...

An Iterative Information-Theoretic Approach to the Detection of Structures in Complex Systems

Systems that exhibit complex behaviours often contain inherent dynamical structures which evolve over time in a coordinated way. In this paper, we present a methodology based on the Relevance Index method aimed at revealing the dynamical structures hidden in complex systems. The method iterates two basic steps: detection of relevant variable sets based on the computation of the...