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Search: authors:"Ronghui Liu"

4 papers found.
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The structure and dynamics of two tailed sources in cluster 0648 + 19

Observations at five radio frequencies are used to determine the structure and spectra of a complex region in the direction 0648 + 19. We show that it consists of three separate radio sources; two tailed sources in one cluster, and an unrelated classical double. We have used spectral-ageing calculations to derive ages and velocities for the two tailed sources. Combining these...

Spectral ageing in a sample of 14 high-luminosity double radio sources

We use multifrequency observations of a sample of 14 high-luminosity 3C double radio sources in a discussion of their structures and spectral properties. The observations were made with the VLA at 1.4, 5 and 15 GHz and have resolutions of 0.4 or 1.2 arcsec. We interpret the spectra in terms of the ageing of the electron population, as in the related study by Alexander & Leahy...

Spectral index and depolarization asymmetry in powerful radio sources

In a sample of high-luminosity 3C radio sources, a strong correlation between spectral index and depolarization has been found: the lobe which is less depolarized has the flatter spectrum in 12 out of 13 cases. We compare this result with that of Garrington et al. and Laing, who found that the less-depolarized lobe is associated with the presence of a jet on the same side of the...

The correlated radio and optical asymmetries of powerful radio galaxies

We present radio continuum and polarization maps of four ‘classical double’ radio galaxies, overlaid on optical emission-line images. The sources (3C 247, 263.1, 280 and 299) are all small, powerful and distant (with $D \lt 200 \,\text kpc, {P}_{178} \gt {10}^{26.8}\,\text {W}\,\text {Hz}^{-1} \text {sr}^{-1},0.37 \lt z \lt 1.0$). In three cases we find that the emission-line gas...