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Search: authors:"Ruth Sullivan"

2 papers found.
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Nuclear adenomatous polyposis coli suppresses colitis-associated tumorigenesis in mice

Mutation of tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) initiates most colorectal cancers and chronic colitis increases risk. APC is a nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling protein, best known for antagonizing Wnt signaling by forming a cytoplasmic complex that marks β-catenin for degradation. Using our unique mouse model with compromised nuclear Apc import (ApcmNLS), we show that...

Widespread hyperplasia induced by transgenic TGFα in ApcMin mice is associated with only regional effects on tumorigenesis

Using a mouse predisposed to neoplasia by a germ line mutation in Apc (ApcMin), we tested whether induced hyperplasia is sufficient to increase intestinal tumor multiplicity or size in the intestine. We found that hyperplasia in the jejunum correlated with a significant increase in tumor multiplicity. However, tumor multiplicity was unchanged in the hyperplastic colon. This...